Role of Facebook groups in Gratification of Social and Psychological needs of Females


Volume 3 Issue 2 2022


Shabana Asghar
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore

Sidra Jamil
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore

Abstract This study aimed to explore the role of Facebook groups in Social and Psychological need gratification among females. The main objective of this study was to see weather face book groups gratify social (Belongingness, Self-presentation) and Psychological (Usefulness, Enjoyment) needs of females. Data was collected from the sample of (N=500) female group members. A comparison of the difference of perceived gratification of both (Social and Psychological) needs on the basis of age was also done. Findings of Independent sample t-test revealed the difference in gratification of needs among young (15 to 24 years)and adult (25 to 36 years)females. A significant role of facebook groups in gratifying social and psychological needs of females. Psychological need of Usefulness was more significantly found to be gratified (M=21.6) among females through face book groups. For adult females face book groups were more helpful in gratifying their social needs (N=500, p<0.5, t=-8.37, SD= 4.4) whereas young females found face book groups useful in gratifying their psychological needs (N=500, p<0.5 (t=3.5, SD= 2.6). These results revealed collectively an effective role of Facebook groups in gratification of social and psychological needs among females.
Keywords Face book groups, Social needs, Psychological needs, Females, Need gratification
Year 2022
Volume 3
Issue 2
Type Research paper, manuscript, article
Recognized by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, HEC
Category "Y"
Journal Name ILMA Journal of Social Sciences & Economics
Publisher Name ILMA University
Jel Classification -
ISSN no (E, Electronic) 2790-5896
ISSN no (P, Print) 2709-2232
Country Pakistan
City Karachi
Institution Type University
Journal Type Open Access
Manuscript Processing Blind Peer Reviewed
Format PDF
Paper Link
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